You can buy him from our Etsy shop.
More new lovelies coming right up!
p.s. there's a sale going on at the Etsy shop. Check it out!
More new lovelies coming right up!
p.s. there's a sale going on at the Etsy shop. Check it out!
I'm hoping to get the website updated in the next few days, and then you can see some of the new goodies there too (but new, different goodies - I don't want much overlap!)
Sozluk's curious little face:
Tweak's hungry grab-the-lettuce-and-run stance:
Kristen Ferrell's art work, specifically the cats and coffee image. I have these on a t-shirt, and they are adorable. In a grotesque bitey cat way.
Nicole George's Animal Friends Calender has many very cute animal drawings and a drawing of E.T. in a party hat.
Discomedusa Designs is one of my new favorite designers. She makes incredible industrial organic jewelry, including expanded earwear for the folks with big holes. The craftsmanship on these things is great, really solid and still remarkably light. Amazing work.
As-Is has a jumper available from Small Craft Advisory that I really really like. I saw it in real life at Crafty Wonderland, and it is great.
A few months ago I bought a Polarwares snow drop necklace and I wear it constantly. Its light, pretty, super high quality, and really fun to touch and play with during the day. You can buy her lovely porcelain goods from the Polarwares site or from her Etsy shop.
Small Stump makes a multitude of cute, stump like and woodland type goodies. You can buy their soft stumps from their home site, or their Etsy shop.
Danielle Maveal's jewelry has been showing up everywhere recently, as well it should, because it is lovely. I like plain silver, I like cute pictures, and I love her work. Its dainty and light, but also clever and eye catching.
I'm a sucker for slugs. Real ones, embroidered ones, stuffed ones, and printed ones. Aviary Press has included a slug in their Party Animals card series. A slug in a little party hat! Perfect!
There's dozens more artists and shops that I could list, but its getting to be that time of day where I should go venture out into the world. You too.