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Monday, April 27, 2009

Wow, it's been a long time since I was here! Longer than I thought actually.

I have good reasons though!

I moved (down the hall, but still a move) and now have my own dedicated studio! Yes!

I turned 25! Yes! And had such a lovely birthday! The best in years perhaps.

I went to Seattle and then the Oregon coast for 2 consecutive weekends. Right after moving, so things were a little jumbled for a while there.

And there's been a barrage of meeting with businesses (Hopeful Monsters now available at Union Rose on NE MLK in Portland! And at Noun on SE Belmont in Portland! More coming soon!), a trunkshow (thanks Blue on NE Mississippi!), and working working working to replenish inventory.

Annnnd, just yesterday I finished addressing the wedding invitations. Whew! They look great and I can't wait to get them in the mail!

In upcoming news, I'll be doing 3 craft shows in Portland during the month of May - The Hip Happening, Crafty Wonderland, and the Capitol Bistro Art & Craft Show.

If you've been meaning to come see me, this will be a great time to do it!
It will be an especially good time to come out because I'll be on vacation from June 3 to July 8.

I know! How lucky am I! It's actually a series of trips with just a few days in between each, but I won't be able to run the shop during that time.

I will however have incredible photos for your perusal after I get back!

Psst! There's also a sweet giveaway coming up! I'll keep you posted!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Leigh Bunkin emailed me this morning with some sweet news that definitely made my day!

She has a blog, Finding My Wings, where she draws something everyday. And my card and button got to be the drawing for April 9!

I love it!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

I am so so SO ready for spring. Even chilly sun would be acceptable right now.
But no. Today it is raining with some kind of new vigor for making me want to be a hermit.


This Friday is the Portland premeir of the Handmade Nation movie and I am really excited! Then the next day I'm off to Seattle on the train to meet Josh and have a long weekend in Seattle while he takes the police test. I'm hoping to go checkout I Heart Rummage while we're there too.

I'll leave you with this, Josh and I spent a really long time laughing at stupid internet things yesterday and this is possibly my favorite.

fail owned pwned pictures