I've been working away with my new PMC3 hotpot kit. While my skills aren't quite what I wish they were, my enthusiasm almost makes up for it.
With a little more work the earrings have improved:
And just last night I finished a little Valentines Day gift:

I've also started knitting again, and have some soft and lovely cowls coming up soon. I'll post a photo or two once they're all ready to go.
Actually knitting again has brought to my attention all the amazing hand spun yarns on Etsy. As we speak (type/read) I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Theodore" by
The Red Button Tree:

Here are some of my favorite yarns and the crafters that produced these fluffy beauties. All handspun, and many hand dyed as well!
Haptotrope's post-apocalyptic yarn Raspberries and Old Lace, made with tulle, wool, and lace:
Fey's Salmon Run with big spongy coils of bright blue!
In Hope's bright Pink Lemonade yarn with little sparkly sequins tucked in the twists:
Third Floor Fiber's Worms in the Grass is one of my favorites- I'd love to knit it up and add a silk earthworm patch (like the one on the little hat I made a couple weeks ago)!
Felt Studio's Baboogie is not only hand spun and hand dyed - it also includes silk cocoons cut into little cups and spun right into the yarn:

I can't wait to finish the projects I've got waiting and get started on something new with some of these!