This is just a quick note to say that I'm working away as fast as I can to get out:
The amazing and very special tea party kits: these are lovely and will absolutely be available so so soon.
The red drape neck dresses: a similar cut to the tea dresses and the new jellyfish dresses, but with a yet-to-announced print - the scarlet color of these soy cotton dresses is amazing.
More totes of course - hand dyed with a variety of our favorite prints.
And some new hand printed (screen and block) buttons. I can't wait to get these little babies going!
Basically, I'm excited about everything I'm doing, but there is just never enough time to get it all done as quickly as I'd like. I really can't wait for these new projects to be done and up for all to see - they've been a long time in planning and making and I just can't contain my excitement about them!!
I do have a rather major announcement:I am moving to Turkey in August.
This means that Hopeful Monsters will be going on reduced production during June, and will most likely be finishing up our goings-on by mid-July.
Don't worry though, I'll be back to printing and designing and making things as soon as I can, but it may be up to a year depending on my circumstances in Turkey.
You can add yourself to my mailing list and I'll update you when I return and Hopeful Monsters is back up and running. (And I won't sell or lose your email addresses.) Just email them to me at
amelia.hopefulmonsters@gmail.comP.S. I will be in email contact throughout most of my time in Turkey, you can contact me via the same email at any time if you have questions.
---Love Amelia