Tuesday, October 27, 2009
28 rooms in the Ace Hotel, each with a different designer or duo.
Music. Drinks. Live Models. Fashion. Jewelry. It was great!
Below are a photos from a few of my favorites from the evening! You can see much better, more representative photos here, on the Content site!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I was lucky enough to make it out recently for some apple picking and snagged some pumpkins along the way. So today, the theme is A Day in the Orchard.
1. Cast Iron Spice Grinder from Canoe
2. Frye Harness Boots
3. Jackee Muntz vs Thomas Samson from Andrews and Dunham Damn Fine Teas
4. Limited Edition Stanley Classic Thermos
5. Wooden Radio from The Curiosity Shoppe
6. Freya Dress from Gaia Conceptions
7. Hand picked apples from the Draper Girls Country Farm, Oregon.
8. Zebrawood Gem Necklace by Somethings Hiding in Here
9. Wide Chocolate Leather Belt by The Pila Shoppe
(As usual, all photos belong to the linked purveyors of these lovely goods. Well, except the apples. I took that photo.)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Hopeful Monsters: [hohp-fuhl mon-ster] noun -
Creatures displaying novel, possibly fortuitous mutations or behaviors that may allow them to be more successful and survive better. These "monsters" are different, but hope to thrive because of their differences and become successful, happy monsters. -Origin 1933, in reference to evolutionary changes and biology.
In honor of this, I give you an assortment of goods relating to the world of evolutionary biology. (And all from Etsy this time!)
1. Darwin's Finch Tee by Isotope
2. Anger Fish Tee by Siempre La Lucha
3. The Charles Darwin Organic Tote by Snoozer Loser
4. Copulating Earthworm Necklace by Heron Adornment
5. Axon Terminal Earrings by Nanopod
6. Survival of the Fittest Beer Drinker I.D. case by To Funky Town
7. Domestic Science Beaker Candles by yours truly (Hopeful Monsters)
8. Cytomorphic Ring by Disco Medusa
9. Charles Darwin Brooch by Rikki B
Enjoy!*All photo credits belong to the artists linked above.*