1. I re-homed the guinea pigs. This means, they belong to someone else now who will love them like crazy and not have a predatory 15 lb. dog trying to eat them.
2. The Hip Happening was good. Due to a scheduling issue, Scout (the dog) got to/had to come with me to the show. He slept in his crate most of the time. The other part of the time he spent tied to the crate and jumping on my lap. He was a big hit. I got some aMAZing (imagine my voice getting high with the "MAZ" part) stuff that I will take pictures of and tell you all about, it's amazing and you will definitely need to check it out. I will do all this once I am not so tired and waiting for the pizza to be delivered.

3. I'm moving into a 2 bedroom apartment next month, so I can have a little room for my studio. This means no more clothing racks in the living room! I am not the only one who is really excited about it.
4. Went to a great clothing swap party the other night, got some fantastic things. Pleated plaid skirt! Lilac colored satin skirt with pockets! Floral button-up shirt! Teal corduroys!
Ok, maybe those things sound incredibly wierd. But they are great, assure you. And hot.
I'm off to space out, relax, and drink pizza and eat beer. Even Scout is asleep in the closet right now. It was a big day with lots and lots of loading and unloading of boxes, tables, and clothes racks. We are tired. But very happy!
1 comment:
I just reread that, "drink pizza and eat beer."
I'm not even going to change it, because that is exactly the state I am in.
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